Crohn's Tracker App An app for patients diagnosed with crohn's to better care for themselves and have access to information from the Crohns and Colitis Foundation (CCFA).
Surveys that are recommended by the CCFA are adapted in this app. License of official instrument, can be obtained by the respective instrument owner.
The Short Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire: a quality of life instrument for community physicians managing inflammatory bowel disease. CCRPT Investigators. Canadian Crohn's Relapse Prevention Trial.
The SIBDQ is valid, reliable, and able to detect meaningful clinical changes in HRQOL that might occur in the office setting. A modified version of this survey is included in this app. License of official instrument, can be obtained by the instrument owner.
The Brief IPQ provides a rapid assessment of illness perceptions, which could be particularly helpful in ill populations, large-scale studies, and in repeated measures research designs. A modified version of this survey is included in this app. License of official instrument, can be obtained by the instrument owner.
Work Productivity Assessment References and Clinical Validation
Link provides multiple studies that validate the WPI. A version of this survey is included in this app. License of official instrument, can be obtained by the instrument owner. Written permission is neither required nor provided to
researchers using the WPAI; there are no fees to use the WPAI. Reilly asks users to notify
us when they publish or present WPAI data so we can list this information