General Gastrointestinal Care App
This App makes available the NIH PROMIS GI symptom scales***—a publicly available set of valid and reliable PROs for use in people with GI symptoms.
The eight scales were developed and clinically validated by Spiegel et al in 2014, and can be used together or individually for clinical practice and clinical research in a disease-agnostic manner. The scales are broadly applicable across populations, GI symptoms, GI diseases, and demographics.
Patient Need
Patient-reported outcomes (PROs) are patient generated reports that can be valuable for helping patients and providers understand a patient's experience in a structured format, from the patient's perspective.
This can be especially helpful in gastroenterology, where the majority of disorders include symptoms that affect patient quality of life. When systematically collected, PRO measurement has many benefits, including unbiased collection of data, management of conditions, and improvement in satisfaction with care.
This App
This App can be used as a starting point for launching an App that measures patient reported outcomes in patient with GI Disorders. It can be customized for your specific patient group and use case with alternate surveys (clinically validated or proprietary), custom reminders, custom care plans, and more.
***PROMIS Surveys are the property of the NIH and US Dept of HHS. License can be obtained from the license owner